
Jira for tickets - Integration with request types

  • 5 October 2023
  • 5 replies

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies

I want to integrate Intercom ticket types to the Jira request types but I can’t find the option like this. The only option to match the issues is to connect intercom’s ticket type with the Jira Issue type. However, in my Jira space I have several request types under the Incident issue and if there is no option to match them with the Intercom tickets then this integration appears to be useless :(


 For more reference I’m attaching the screenshots.  



Best answer by Jacob Cox 8 October 2023, 23:39

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5 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Keta !

I’m not familiar with Request Types in Jira. It sounds like they are a sub-category of issue type, is that correct. So it would go Project > Ticket Type > Request Type?

I’ll flag this as a feature request with our team. In the meantime you may be able to use a third party integration such as Zapier to set up a connection between Intercom and Jira that better suits your needs!

Hey, Jacob. 

Thanks for your reply. The request type is under Project > Issue Type > Request Type. All our forms are created under the Request type and without them, the Jira integration with Intercom appears useless for us. Thanks for your suggestion about Zappier; however I’m not sure that it has such an opportunity to cover my request, additionally as I checked it costs 69$ monthly to use for teams and frankly speaking I can't take it as the best solution cause during communication with the Intercom’s sales reps we were assured that Jira is fully integrated with Intercom, but as it appears, it wasn't. I appreciate that you flag my request as the roadmap request, can I also ask for a timeline when your product team adds it? 

Userlevel 4
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Thanks for more of that context @Keta ! I wouldn’t have a timeline on when or if this request will be added to that Jira integration. Have you looked in the Intercom App Store for other options. I know there’s a Jira integration that’s built by the team at Atlassian in the store. Perhaps that would work for you? If you already have a Jira subscription, there shouldn’t be another charge for that.


Hey, Jacob,

I have already tried Jira cloud but it either doesn’t have the the option I’m requesting. It’s showing all the fields accumulated that are created under Issue type > Request Type but it’s not providing fields sorted by request types. What is the estimated time that requires the flagged request to be discussed and decided whether it will be added to the roadmap or not? And how can I find out the decision made?

P.S I’m attaching the screenshot of the Jira cloud showing fields to fill for your reference 



Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hi @Keta !

We don’t have a timeline for the team considering Feature Requests. It all depends on what projects our team is prioritizing at the moment, how many customers are requesting such a feature, and the team’s current workload. Generally feature requests aren’t something that are implemented quickly unless they are already on the team’s radar. There isn’t an official process for notifying customers around FRQ implementation. We do encourage customers to keep an eye on the News section of the Messenger for information regarding our most recent product updates. Sorry I can’t be more help around that!
