
I can't see inbox rules

  • 1 August 2023
  • 2 replies

why there is no inbox rule in my inbox settings? is it because there is not so many teammates and chats in my workspace?


Best answer by Nathan Sudds 1 August 2023, 05:55

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Userlevel 5
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@1421104312  Inbox Rules were recently moved to the Automations area, you can find them under Workflows

More info from a recent email from the Intercom team where they mention Inbox Rules being part of Workflows now. 


Hope this helps!


I found the old Rules link in the following menu:

Profile icon → Settings → Help Desk > Rules

No relationship with workflows whatsoever!

It seems the Intercom team is trying to hide this from us all the time. This is the third time this inbox Rules tab dissapears and I have a hard time finding our where it is...
