Hi, i can't send reply to conversation via API, but can do it via intercom website. Please, can you see request with this id 003abpt6qlp4obiq78ig and help me?

  • 20 July 2021
  • 6 replies

Hi, i can't send reply to conversation via API, but can do it via intercom website. Please, can you see request with this id 003abpt6qlp4obiq78ig and help me?

6 replies

I'm always get only this


"type": "error.list",

"request_id": "003abpt6qlp4obiq78ig",

"errors": [


"code": "not_found",

"message": "User Not Found"




Userlevel 1

Hello @user722​ ,


Can you be more specific here? Which request are you sending? Can you post a request here?


Q - can you see request with this id 003abpt6qlp4obiq78ig and help me?

A - community members don't have such access to troubleshoot API errors based on request ID.


I'm suggesting posting a full request here and the goal that you are trying to archive.


I will be happy to take a look and provide help.





There is my request generated from POSTMAN

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.intercom.io/conversations/last/reply#39; \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer my_token' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"message_type": "note",
"type": "admin",
"admin_id": "814860",
"body": "text"

so response is

"type": "error.list",
"request_id": "003jijkc8o93351moi7g",
"errors": [
"code": "not_found",
"message": "User Not Found"

but this user exists (with id 814860) and i can send message to conversation via website here

Снимок экрана 2021-07-20 в 22.53.05also i'm getting webhooks for each reply i do via website (i set it for admin.reply) and there is an information from webhook

'type': 'notification_event',
'app_id': 'yhhuuwwt',
'data': {
'type': 'notification_event_data',
'item': {
'type': 'conversation',
'id': '184128500000004',
'created_at': 1626772489,
'updated_at': 1626810682,
'user': {
'type': 'user',
'id': '60f5c0ff857bed9b9ecf1f59',
'user_id': '25',
'name': 'Hoban Washburn',
'email': 'wash@serenity.io',
'do_not_track': None
'assignee': {
'type': 'nobody_admin',
'id': None
'admin_assignee_id': None,
'team_assignee_id': None,
'conversation_message': {
'type': 'conversation_message',
'id': '920590607',
'url': None,
'subject': '',
'body': '<p>Hey</p>',
'author': {
'type': 'user',
'id': '60f5c0ff857bed9b9ecf1f59'
'attachments': []
'conversation_parts': {
'type': 'conversation_part.list',
'conversation_parts': [
'type': 'conversation_part',
'id': '10036612437',
'part_type': 'comment',
'body': '<p class="no-margin">text</p>',
'created_at': 1626810682,
'updated_at': 1626810682,
'notified_at': 1626810682,
'assigned_to': None,
'author': {
'type': 'admin',
'id': '5092368',
'name': 'Artem'
'attachments': [],
'external_id': None
'total_count': 1
'conversation_rating': {},
'open': True,
'state': 'open',
'snoozed_until': None,
'read': False,
'metadata': {},
'tags': {
'type': 'tag.list',
'tags': []
'tags_added': {
'type': 'tag.list',
'tags': []
'custom_attributes': {},
'links': {
'conversation_web': 'https://app.intercom.com/a/apps/yhhuuwwt/conversations/184128500000004#39;
'links': {},
'id': 'notif_84e88e27-ebe7-4938-be67-f308c8b7dd44',
'topic': 'conversation.admin.replied',
'delivery_status': 'pending',
'delivery_attempts': 1,
'delivered_at': 0,
'first_sent_at': 1626810684,
'created_at': 1626810683,
'self': None

hope you can help

Userlevel 1

@user722​ , Thanks for providing this information, let's discuss your request here:


- Following AP request means that it will send a reply to the last conversation.


- Message_type - Note means that this reply will be a note sent by an Admin member (Teammate)

"message_type": "note",
"type": "admin",
"admin_id": "814860",
"body": "text"

814860 is a default Admin user Id in Intercom docs, to find your admin Id:

profileThen in the URL find Admin ID:


Then change 814860 with the following Number.


Looking forward.

Userlevel 1

From reply, I see that your Admin_id is 5092368 not 814860

Uh, sorry, I also did it with 5092368 and got the same result. But anyway thanks for your answer. I started to use intercom API for 2 days ago and get message that i have to be reviewed by them.Снимок экрана 2021-07-21 в 12.14.40Is there any limitations for new users? Maybe my APIkey isn't valid for now. But I can create user via API calls....

I'm not sure I get it right. And can't get any answers from Intercom support 😑 it's really weird.
