
Why does my tour not show in my website?

  • 27 September 2022
  • 2 replies

I created a tour to link from a feature announcement post. The post will send. However, when I use the "use tour everywhere" link for the tour, it takes me to the correct page, but I don't see the tour. However, the tour in Intercom will count the view.


Settings Are:

  • Show your tour automatically: Turned Off
  • Use your tour everywhere: on and there's a copy-able link. (I've triple checked the URL - copied from the website as well as copied it from the Post that works)
  • Frequency and scheduling:
    • Send once, first time the person matches the rules
    • Start sending immediately
    • Never stop sending
    • Any day, any time
    • I checked to ensure the settings were the same as another "linked tour" (that works) that we've used in the past.


2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Did you take the steps from this article to test your tour? My first idea is either it's about the audience or you are using a pointer that isn't the same for all users (this is often the case when I have a problem with tours)

This is the issue I've found in testing. The persona(s) seem fine. If the pointer isn't the same for all users (it isn't now, but will be in the future). Does that break it for a user who can see the pointer element?
